
5 thoughts on “Contact

  • 30. October 2015 at 11:30

    Dear Sir/Madame, I am a practising Physical Therapist and I am very interested in promoting the concept of the sitless study. I treat people from a variety of professions and I do my best to encourage more movement to all people who tend to spend long hours at their desks without taking regular breaks. I see the effects on the human body that I believe are caused by prolonged sitting both in the mature adult and what is even more striking I see it more and more in the young teenage body. This is very concerning because prolonged sitting in the young person can lead to musculo-skeletal issues from a very early age in the developing and growing body.

    I would be very interested if you would consider getting in contact with me to start a similar project here in Co. Clare, Ireland as a particular client of mine is very interested in trying this sitless office.

    I look froward to hearing from you in the near future

    kind regards

    Stephanie Killeen

  • 9. February 2017 at 19:58

    I heard about this programme on the local radio station.i am 68 years old,I live in west Belfast and would be keen to get moving.Since i retired 5 years ago i have become more housebound and less social, I spent a lot of time watchingTV .I need motivation..i am not comfortable using local gym because i feel out of place.

  • 18. February 2017 at 14:50


    I’m very interested in article “Interventions to reduce sedentary behaviour in older adults: A systematic review”. Has it been published yet? How can I get an access to the full text? I would be grateful for the answer.

    Best regards
    Zofia Szczuka
    University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Wrocław, Poland

    • 22. February 2017 at 10:06

      Hi Zofia
      Thank you for your comment. The paper is very interesting and it is both published and accepted. At the front page there is a link to a download page under the post “Links for review on Biomarkers associated with sedentary behaviour in older adults”

      Best regards

  • 30. June 2017 at 7:49

    Dear Mathias,

    We are leading the dissemination activities of a project called SMARTLIFE co-funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission.
    Smartlife project aims to create a mobile game for adolescents that requires lower body movement, and is personalized by physiological feedback measured by smart textiles.
    Topics related: adolescents, serious games, mobile games, big data analysis, wearables, sensors and smart cloths.

    According to our activities of Collaboration, Clustering and Cross-Disciplinary Cooperation we would be interested in participate in joint diffusion actions with you as the aim of the projects is quite similar.
    Please, indicate us if you have future dissemination activities in which we could participate.

    For more information, here is the Smartlife project website:

    Thank you.



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