Sedentary Behaviour (SB)


Sedentary Behaviour (SB) is defined as any waking behaviour characterized by an energy expenditure ≤ 1.5 metabolic equivalent (METs) while in a sitting or reclining posture. The effect of SB on health is two-fold; firstly, the amount of time spent in sedentary pursuits tends to displace the time spent being active and therefore prevents individuals from reaping the health benefits that PA brings. More recently it has also been shown that SB has a specifically deleterious effect on a person‘s health, independent of the amount of moderate to vigorous PA that is carried out (Koster et al., 2012). Given the high prevalence of prolonged sitting time across the population, with 10.1% of Europeans sitting over 7 hours per day (Bennie et al., 2013), reducing SB is increasingly gaining attention as a strategy to promote healthy ageing. Consequently, the WHO (World Health Organization, 2010) have issued guidelines for older adults to limit the amount of time spent sitting and recommended that research is carried out on interventions which reduce the amount of time that older adults spend sitting. Although sedentary time has to be disentangled from regular PA as a measure of daily activity patterns and everyday activity (Dunlop et al., 2014), the pathophysiological pathway as to which both increased PA and decreased sedentary time contribute to healthy ageing could be common.